I AM LEVEL FORTY EIGHT! yas, you heard me right, i am. because kestrel was sick and she had time, i asked her to level me up so i could get scarecrow.
oh, and by the way, a new person on the celestia poster is there! (sorry for how long i havent been posting)
yes, there is a weird sharky thing there, a filled out crab, and a weird new silhouette behind the crad with the harpon. i have to go now but fornow, JUST KEEP QUESTING!
Well today I got to "farm" Ivan Soulsinger to try and get the hat and sword from him. After that, I wanted to be his twin. That is what I look like now, and no, I did not stitch, its just my old reapers hood and a vindicator robe I bought today. All I need now is some vindicator boots and I'm his TWIN! just wanted to post about that so BYE! DIE IN PAIN MORTAL!
I knew that would sound cheesey!
Friday, April 2, 2010
okay, my best friend luke firegem told me to say, "die in pain mortal" at the end of my posts. i refuse to say this but all i haave is news about a REALLY big hit
is that alot for you? probably not, PLEASE COMMENT!